Legal services are rendered to Individuals and Corporates. Our experts are well trained to handle issues like Domestic enquiry, Labour Court Matters, and Industrial Disputes.
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Payroll ManagementContract Labour ManagementInvestigations / Verifications
Department of LabourDepartment of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety and HealthKarnataka State Pollution Control BoardEmployees’ Provident Fund OrganizationEmployees’ State Insurance Corporation
Legal AdvicesDomestic EnquiryLabour Court MattersIndustrial Disputes
Lease AgreementsSale AgreementsRegistrationsCivil Court Matters & Disputes
House Keeping ManagementSecurity ServicesGuest House Management
Personal LoanHousing / site LoanMortgage LoanBusiness Loan
Personal InsuranceMedical insuranceMedical AssistanceTours & TravelsHoliday PackageHome StayReal EstateConstruction & Designing
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Income TaxTax AuditingProfessional TaxCST / GST RegistrationDisputes